Conversion Preferences Overview The Conversion Preferences section contains four tables. The Preprocess Text and Table Conversion tables are used by the corresponding commands located under the Tool Palette's Utility menu. The Custom Entity and Export Conversion tables are used only on export, and only when their corresponding checkbox is enabled under Import/Export Preferences. Preprocess Text Conversion Table The Preprocess Text Conversion Table is used by the Preprocess Text command found under the Tool Palette's Utility menu, and consists of a single table. Each line of this table contains a pair of search and replace strings, separated by a comma. The first item contains the "search" string (the HTML reserved character you wish changed). Enter the replacement text as the second item following the comma on each line. If the second item is left blank, the search string will be eliminated from the source text. Be careful not to use this command on text that already contains HTML elements, as HTML reserved characters (less than, greater than, ampersand and quote characters) will be converted, corrupting those elements. Check Text Preprocessing Table Instructions for how to customize the table. Table Conversion The Text Conversion Table is used by the Table Convert command found under the Tool Palette's Utility menu, and consists of two tables: a default as well as alternate conversion table. Check Table Conversion Instructions for information on customizing this feature. Custom Entity Conversion Table The Insert Custom Entity command, found under the Tool Palette's Utility menu, allows you to include the contents of a separate document (ie., standardized headers, footers, and other document features) by inserting a custom entity code, as per the C language's #include statement. For information on how to customize this table, check Custom Entity Table Instructions. On export, a selected document is substituted for the entity code. The assignation of entities to documents is found on the Custom Entity Conversion Table. Up to ten custom entities may be specified. Export Conversion Table The Export Conversion Table is used to convert specific characters or strings upon export. This allows your source document to remain more readable, particularly in those languages that use more diacritical marks than English. The Export Conversion Table is used for all document exports as a conversion reference when the "Export Conversion" checkbox (found under Import/Export Preferences) is checked. When unchecked, this table is ignored. For information on how to customize this table, check Export Conversion Table Instructions. This table was designed in response to a European user who wished to avoid converting all of the various umlauts and other "special" characters until export, enabling easier reading of his source document. For instructions on customizing the export conversion, check the Export Conversion Table Instructions. RTF Conversion Table (not available in this version) The RTF Conversion Table is used by the Import command found under the Tool Palette's File menu, and consists of two tables, each containing two columns. RTF Conversion is accomplished using a variety of methods, including both programmed conversion and simple code replacement. Both tables are used for converting RTF to HTML on import. On each table, a line contains two items; the first the search string; the second, the replacement string. In each case, the search string is the RTF code to be replaced with the second item, the HTML tag or entity. For instructions on customizing the RTF conversion, check the RTF Conversion Table Instructions. Back to Preferences, on to Compacting Preferences, or return to HTML.edit Features.